fcca news

Recent News

CARES 3.0 – DEC and FCCASF Listening Session

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March Board Meeting

Hi Everybody, Our March board meeting on Thursday March 28th 2024 @ 7:00 pm. Here is the link: When: Mar 28, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time

April Board Meeting

Hi Everyone! Our Board meeting is tonight at 7 pm with Community Care Licensing. Here is the link: When: Apr 18, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific

CARES 3.0 Open Now until April 30th

Applying for the Spring 2024 Round of CARES 3.0 For Educators (including FCC providers and administrators who are eligible for CARES 3.0), please follow these steps:

May Board Meeting

Hi Everyone, our board meeting will be on WEDNESDAY 5/22/24 @ 7 pm. We have a special guest from Edvance. This is the zoom link: When: May 22,

July Board Meeting

Hi Everybody! Tomorrow ( Thursday, July 17 2024) We will have our July board meeting. Carla from Community Care Licensing will present the second half of

August Board Meeting

Hello Everybody, Friendly reminder that our monthly FCCASF Board Meeting is tomorrow Thursday, August 15th at 7 pm. DEC will speak on payroll verification policy

September Board Meeting

Hello Everybody, FCCASF’s Monthly board meeting is tonight at 7 pm.Our monthly board meeting is now on the second Monday of the Month. Here is

October Board Meeting

Hello everybody, Remember that our board meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 2024 at 7 pm. DEC will come to speak on their process

December Board Meeting

Tomorrow will be our last board meeting of 2024! Here is the link: Webinar ID: 884 6424 0614 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YViqiJvHQs2rfjABNFyBfA Password: 931414 Attached is the Agenda.

January Board Meeting

Hello Everyone! Please join us for our Board meeting on Monday, January 13, 2025 at 7 pm. There will be interpreters. Date: Monday January 13, 2025

February board meeting

Hi Everyone! Please join us for our monthly general meeting! DEC will present and LIIF will answer questions about the LIIF Center Grant. Here is


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

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